eCabinet is a powerfull tool for State Govts to conduct Cabinet meetings electronically. Developed by NIC, it maximizes usage of technology in meetings & reduces paper use.
It automates work flow activities of meetings - before, during and after. The portal is designed for Smart tablets,
with rich UI and UX elements, for ease of use by Ministers and simulates paper kind of experience.
Push & Pull mechanism built in portal ensures high security levels.
The eCabinet is a milestone in Digital India Programme, saving environment.
The eCabinet has resulted in Hon'ble Ministers getting information wherever they are and on time, it improves Govt functioning & monitoring.
- Completely automate activities of Cabinet Meeting (Before meeting, During meeting and After meeting)
- Connect all Offices (CS/Secretaries/Departments) directly to confidential department.
- Monitor online action taken on cabinet Decisions.
Cabinet meetings of State Govts comprise of three stages
- Pre meeting - Schedule, inform offices, collect Agenda points, Finalize & put up to Cabinet for Approval
- During Meeting - Recording of Decisions taken.
- Post meeting - Outcomes of meeting including MoM, Action Points, Directions to offices etc. Conduct of manual Cabinet meetings is a Race Against Time, with multiple interactions between several offices and efforts till last minute.
Every meeting consumes huge resources of paper, fuel, manpower, time and efforts. It faces multiple challenges
- information not available in right form in right time, Collecting & storing information is not structured,
lack of Institutional memory over a time period. The eCabinet portal of NIC overcomes all major challenges in conduct of Physical meetings. With eCabinet ,
physical papers are replaced with electronic data & physical movement of documents between offices are replaced with seamless electronic flow of information.
The Knowledge repository of meetings is dynamically built in database, making it easy for Cabinet and officers to search & retrieve decisions taken in meetings
& review action take. The eCabinet portal was launched by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Uttarakhand in Jan 2020, with above objectives. Success of project is gauged
from the fact that all cabinet meetings of Uttarakhand from Jan 2020 have been held using eCabinet.
Ministers and senior officers attend meeting with their Smart
tablets, preconfigured with portal software and Agenda points & enclosures till last minute. Many times Ministers attend meeting remotely through Video conferencing
services of NIC. eCabinet therefore serves as a powerfull tool for Govts to migrate from Physical(manual) meetings to Virtual meetings & bring in Corporate style of
functioning. It's relevance in Covid 19 situation is huge, as it reduces spread of Virus through physical movement of papers and individuals.
Followings are the features of eCabinet
- Replace paper based Cabinet Meetings, conserving environment
- Automate work flow activities before, during and after Meetings.
- Rich UI & UX tools, for ease of use by Ministers.
- Enhanced level of Security, with Push & Pull features.
- Build institutional memory & knowledge repository, enabling quick search & retrieval.
Followings are the Benefits/Impact of eCabinet
- Saves huge resources of Paper, fuel and manpower.
- Online Data updation by Each, Information for all, leading to coordinated action.
- Better decision making, Quick retrieval of Decisions taken in meetings and review Action taken.
- Enables Virtual participation of Ministers.
- Brings in Corporate style in conduct of meetings, with standardization of data, formats and works.